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Half of motorists think insurance loyalty pricing should be made illegal

  • 50% of motorists think it should be illegal for insurers to charge existing customers more than new customers for the same cover;
  • Most (61%) drivers say new customers get a better deal on their insurance than those renewing their cover;
  • Motorists could save up to £247.29** by shopping-around for car insurance using GoCompare Car Insurance

Car Worries Top 20: Potholes and insurance top the list

  • From insurance to fuel, maintenance to parking – the cost of motoring is a major worry for motorists;
  • Potholes, dangerous driving by other motorists, and the risk of having an accident are among the top 10 worries;
  • 21% of those surveyed were concerned about poor driving by elderly drivers;
  • Only 16% of drivers were concerned about car emissions/pollution.

Cost of getting a young driver on the road rises to £6,959

Cost of insurance falls for 17-year olds, but overall total rises as more spent on first car


New drivers spend over £5,000* on their first car

New drivers spend an average of £4,276 buying their first car but those from the North West and London splash out more than £5,000 on their first set of wheels.

Smart Meter

Energy becomes the ‘easiest product to switch’ for first time

  • An “extraordinary turnaround” as energy rises from 7th place 4 years ago;
  • Improvement follows reduction in switching times from 6 weeks to under 21 days;
  • Consumers respond by switching energy provider in record numbers;
  • Mortgages, current accounts and broadband are the hardest products to switch.

4.6m drivers caught in £592m insurance loyalty trap

  • 15% of motorists allow their insurers to automatically renew their policy without shopping around to check whether they’re getting a good deal;
  • Renewing without checking prices costs drivers a collective £592m a year;
  • 27% of drivers have been with the same insurer for 3 years or more;
  • Motorist who pay for insurance in monthly instalments are 54% more likely to allow their cover to automatically renew than those who pay annually.
Electric Charging

Alternative fuel cars overtake diesel according to potential car buyers

  • 27% of drivers would opt for an alternative fuel car compared with 18% for diesel;
  • Petrol is the most popular fuel type for new car buyers;
  • GoCompare Car Insurance considers the insurance implications of owning an alternative fuel vehicle.
Phone Driving

58% of young drivers admit to using mobile phones behind the wheel

New research reveals a third of all motorists are breaking the law with smartphone use


1 in 10 young driver car insurance policies are ‘fronted’

GoCompare research finds 10% of parents of 17-25-year-old drivers have insured their child’s car in their name, breaking the law and risking financial ruin

Ski Holiday

Hitting the slopes? GoCompare warns skiers and snowboarders not to rely on an EHIC.

With hundreds of thousands of skiers and snowboarders heading to European slopes this winter, GoCompare is urging holidaymakers not to rely on a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to give them adequate medical cover.

Phone Driving

58% of young drivers using mobile phones behind the wheel

New research reveals that a third of all motorists are breaking the law with smartphone use