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Hold the phone: one in five admit they’re unlikely to switch mobile phone providers when their contract runs out
And one in ten forget about their personal finance products until they’ve already auto-renewed…

Almost half of Brits are anticipating a difficult year financially for 2025, new research reveals
- More women (47%) than men (43%) are anticipating a bad year for their finances in 2025
- The rising cost of living is the biggest worry for Brits heading into 2025
- One in four 55 to 64-year-olds are worried about saving for their retirement (26%)

Brits expect 2024 to be a very bad year for their household budgets
- One in three (33%) of Brits expect 2024 to be a very difficult year, financially
● 14% have started the year with credit card debt and expect to have a balance to clear throughout 2024
● One in 10 are going to have to ask friends and family for financial help

New Year’s resolutions gain popularity for 2024: these are Brits’ top ten goals for next year
- After a tough 2023, over 60% of Brits will make resolutions to try and make 2024 a better year - signalling the most popular year for resolutions since 2019
- Gen Z are most likely to make New Year’s resolutions, with 85% of 18-24 year olds saying they will commit to self improvement next year, compared to just 19% of those aged 65+
- Health topics dominate the top ten resolutions for 2024, with losing weight, eating better and getting fit in the top three
- Nine out of ten resolution-makers will include a focus on financial freedom for 2024
- The most popular financial resolutions include cutting down on outgoings, putting more money aside in savings, and getting out of debt
- On average, people stick to their resolutions for five months, while 11% last less than a month and just 16% go the whole year.

1 in 5 say Christmas is going to be financially difficult this year……but festive spending hits a new high for 2023
People to spend an average of £658 this Christmas, up from £522.20 in 2022

Don’t forget the card! A quarter of parents are paying for kids’ birthday parties using a credit card
According to new research from Go.Compare money, parents are spending an average of £298 on kids’ birthday parties

The generation working double: young people most likely to need second jobs due to rising costs of living
- Over a quarter of 25–34-year-olds (28%) say they’ll need to work two jobs to cover their costs in 2022
- More than 1 in 5 people aged 18-24 say they need a second job this year
- 14% of people under 24 say they already have a second job