Driving Home for Christmas: How to prepare for your festive journey
Go.Compare reveals the things you should think about and prepare as you head home on the roads this Christmas
With millions of drivers set to take to the roads this week, Go.Compare car insurance offers advice to those who will be travelling around the UK.
As many head to the roads, preparing your car and yourself for the journey is more important than ever. The AA has issued an Amber Traffic Warning as they predict that over 16 million drivers will be on the roads on both the 22nd and 23rd of December, with busy traffic expected all week.*
Tom Banks, Go.Compare’s car spokesperson commented, “For those taking to the roads this Christmas, driving can be particularly stressful. The weather conditions will be unpredictable and with more people on the road, it can make for a challenging driving environment.
“If you are going on a longer journey, ensuring your car is well stocked in case of an emergency with things such as water, warm clothes, blankets, and a torch could help you should you become stranded or stuck in traffic. Also, keeping some high-energy foods on board is a good idea, which may come in handy if you’re in a jam.
Tom added, “There may be a lot to think about when you’re loading the car with gifts and suitcases, but it’s important not to forget to prepare the car for the journey itself, especially if you are embarking on a longer journey. Making sure that your car is in a good state of repair before you head out is important and will give you peace of mind if you are caught up on busy roads.
The comparison site has put together some tips for checking your car ahead of your trip, including:
- - Check the vitals: Ensure your screen wash, brake fluid, oil and bulbs are all working and not running on empty. It’s also worth making sure your breakdown cover is still valid and up to date, should the unfortunate happen.
- - Check your tyres: Make sure your tyres have at least the legal tread limit - 1.6mm for cars, but at least 3mm is recommended in wet weather - and that they're inflated to the level specified in your car's handbook.
- - Plan your route: If possible, stick to major roads which are more likely to be well lit and in good driving condition. Make sure family and friends know where you’re going.
- - Switch on radio traffic alerts: Turning on radio alerts can keep you updated while you’re on the move so you won’t need to pull over and check your mobile phone.
For more tips and advice on driving in winter, visit here: https://www.gocompare.com/motoring/guides/winter-driving-guide/
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Rubie Barker
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For further information please contact:
Lynsey Walden or Kath Chadwick at Go.compare on lynsey.walden@gocompare.com or kathryn.chadwick@gocompare.com.
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Go.Compare is a comparison website that enables people to compare the costs and features of a wide variety of insurance policies, financial products and energy tariffs.
It does not charge people to use its services and does not accept advertising or sponsored listings, so all product comparisons are unbiased. Go.Compare makes its money through fees paid by the providers of products that appear on its various comparison services when a customer buys through the site.
When it launched in 2006, it was the first comparison site to focus on displaying policy details rather than just listing prices, with the aim of helping people to make better-informed decisions when buying their insurance. It is this approach to comparing products that secured the company an invitation to join the British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) in 2008, and it is still the only comparison site to be a member of this organisation.
Go.Compare has remained dedicated to helping people choose the most appropriate products rather than just the cheapest and works with Defaqto, the independent financial researcher, to integrate additional policy information into a number of its insurance comparison services. This allows people to compare up to an extra 30 features of cover.
Go.Compare is part of Future Plc and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
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