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Car insurance costs rise again, new report finds

The average cost of an annual car insurance policy has risen 3% from £437 to £450

The latest price index from Go.Compare Car insurance has revealed that the average cost of a car insurance policy has increased by 3% in Q4 of 2024 versus Q3 in 2024.*

The report from the comparison website finds that while the cost of premiums has risen from £437 to £450 in three months, the average cost of a policy remains 3% lower than in the same period in 2023.

The new price index found that on average the cheapest premium available is third party fire & theft policy at £440.** However, for £10 more (£450), you can get a comprehensive policy which provides the highest level of cover. Third party only (TPO) insurance may offer the lowest level of cover but is still the most expensive, with a policy costing an average of £588.

The data also reveals the impact location can have on the cost of your policy. Those in Greater London face the most expensive premiums at £642, while those in Wales pay 43% less with a median cost of £365.***

Region Median cost of car insurance***
Greater London £642
West Midlands £497
North West £486
Northern Ireland £486
South East £442
North East £423
East Midlands £421
Scotland £403
South West £371
Wales £365

The report also finds that mileage impacts the cost of insurance, with those driving up to 6,000 miles paying an average of £444 for their premiums and those driving up to 10,000 miles paying an average of £488.****

Tom Banks, spokesperson for Go.Compare Car insurance, commented on the latest index: “The cost of car insurance rising once again really isn’t going to be welcome news for drivers, especially as they continue to feel the effects of the cost of living crisis on their household finances.

“It is good to see prices have fallen 3% overall in the last year, but understandably, it’s important to consumers that they are still making savings where they can and getting a policy with everything they need for the best price.

Tom continued, “Being aware of the factors which could impact your premium is a good place to start. Whether that is your location, age or mileage. These aren't always things you can change - moving house simply to get a cheaper policy isn’t something we would suggest. But there are a few things you can do to make sure you are getting the best deal. Here are our top tips:

  • Think about when you buy: Our data shows that purchasing your premium 26 days before your policy is due for renewal could save you some money, especially compared to purchasing it on the day it is due for renewal.*****
  • Be accurate with your mileage: How far you drive every year is another factor that could impact your premium cost, so be as accurate as you can. If you aren’t sure how far you drive each year, take a look at your MOT certificate - it will show your car’s mileage at the last few tests.
  • Opt for annual payments: If you can, paying annually for your car insurance policy could help you to save money. If you are paying monthly, your insurer treats this as a loan and will be charging you interest.
  • Job descriptions matter: If there are multiple titles you can use to describe your profession accurately, try them all out, as your car premium could vary depending on which you use.”

For more tips on how to save money on your car insurance policy, visit here: https://www.gocompare.com/car-insurance/guide/top-tips-for-cheaper-car-insurance/ 

To read the full report on the cost of car insurance visit here: https://www.gocompare.com/car-insurance/guide/how-much-does-car-insurance-cost/ 

Contact Information

Rubie Barker


Notes to editors

Notes to editors

*Cost of car insurance by quarter. Median premium paid by all customers of all ages, for annual payments all car insurance policies bought through Go.Compare between 1st October 2024 and 31th December 2024.
** Cost by policy type. Median premium paid by all customers of all ages, for all annually-paid car insurance policies bought through GoCompare, between 1st October 2024 and 31th December 2024.
*** Cost by insurance by region. Median premium paid by all customers of all ages, for all annually-paid car insurance policies bought through GoCompare.
**** Median premium paid for comprehensive car insurance between 1st October 2024 and 31th December 2024 where the annual mileage was 6000 Vs 10,000 miles
***** Median premium paid by all customers over the age 18, for annual payments of fully comprehensive car insurance policies bought through GoCompare between January 2024 and December 2024.

For further information please contact: Lynsey Walden – lynsey.walden@gocompare.com Kath Chadwick – Kathryn.chadwick@gocompare.com
Or you can call 02920 020360. Keep up-to-date with Go.Compare on Twitter; @Go.Compare

About Go.Compare

Go.Compare is a comparison website that enables people to compare the costs and features of a wide variety of insurance policies, financial products and energy tariffs.

It does not charge people to use its services and does not accept advertising or sponsored listings, so all product comparisons are unbiased. Go.Compare makes its money through fees paid by the providers of products that appear on its various comparison services when a customer buys through the site.

When it launched in 2006, it was the first comparison site to focus on displaying policy details rather than just listing prices, with the aim of helping people to make better-informed decisions when buying their insurance. It is this approach to comparing products that secured the company an invitation to join the British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) in 2008, and it is still the only comparison site to be a member of this organisation.

Go.Compare has remained dedicated to helping people choose the most appropriate products rather than just the cheapest and works with Defaqto, the independent financial researcher, to integrate additional policy information into a number of its insurance comparison services. This allows people to compare up to an extra 30 features of cover.

Go.Compare is part of Future Plc and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). More information can be found here www.gocompare.com or here https://www.futureplc.com/brands/.